SUPERCONTINENTE is an ever-shifting platform for typographic and graphic exploration.
Our practice stems from research, friendship, thoughts, and memories experienced through fieldwork and active investigation.
All items showcased have been carefully crafted to live within SUPERCONTINENTE.


Imagined and founded by Fabiola Mejía.
Website designed by Paz Ulloa. Web development by Ed Ponce.


Diagrama Gummy

Display language

Chewy fruit gummy home-made by artist Gloriana Sandoval for SUPERCONTINENTE. "DIAGRAMA" studies and visualizes earth’s geosphere through four different flavors: passion fruit, clementine, lime and watermelon. 6x6x4cm. May contain fruit pulp and sugar crystals.

Gomita frutal hecha en casa por la artista Gloriana Sandoval para SUPERCONTINENTE. "DIAGRAMA" estudia y visualiza la geosfera a través de cuatro diferentes sabores: maracuyá, mandarina, limón y sandía. 6x6x4cm. Puede contener pulpa de fruta y cristalizaciones de azúcar.

SC X Gloriana Sandoval, CR